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3MK Paper Feeling™
Draw, write and protect your device.
Type: protective film
-touch like paper, perfect for stylus
- strengthens the screen by 200%
-only 0.18 mm thick
-2 pieces included
Paper Feeling™ is a film that is easy to keep clean and prevents stains from forming on the screen. Not only will you protect your tablet and take care of its safety, but thanks to a coating that reflects light, you will feel extraordinary comfort and move to a completely different level of quality of use of your device. The stylus slips across the screen, but you feel like you're writing after a piece of paper. Paper Feeling™ imitates not only paper, but also armored glass. This unique film strengthens the screen up to 200%, effectively protecting your tablet or smartphone screen from scratching and shattering. You write and draw on a screen with a unique paper structure, without finger marks and dirt!
3MK PaperFeeling Samsung Tab S6 Lite 10.4" 2pcs Foil
Za mna spokonosť. Nevedel som presne, co mam ocakavat, lebo som nikdy tento typ folie nikde neskusal. Ale chcel som dosiahnut minimalizaciu odleskov prioritne a zaroven lepsi pocit pri pisani S-penom.
Pouziva dcera v skole tablet na pisanie poznamok. A na setrenie oci to je podla mna vyborna vec... zasadne vzdy kupujem matne monitory k pocitacom a leskle na mobiloch a tabletoch ma vzdy rozculovali.
Vysledny efekt by som porovnal pocitovo ku E-ink citackam, ktore mame doma. Z hladiska eliminacie odrazov.
Cena je vyssia, ako by som ocakaval pred tym, ako som folie tohoto typu zacal hladat, ale za dlhodobu ochrano oci to je na nezaplatenie vo vysledku...
Funguje to tak, ako je v popise produktu
Jednoducha instalacia. Vpodsate jednoduchsia ako na bezny mobil, lebo je dobre vymysleny postup instalacie.
Treba pocitat, ze folia ma jemnu strukturu, aby sa dosiahla matnost, preto obraz nie je tak "ostry". Doslova su pismenka ako na papieri.. tam tiez akoby neboli dokonale ostre.
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